
柯克阿特達坂[1][2] 也將其稱為黑卡子達坂(Heiqiazi Pass)[hqz]是一個沿著 219國道(G219)有許多髮夾彎山口[3]達坂連接西部的葉爾羌河河谷和東部的喀拉喀什河河谷。北起葉城縣的舊G219國道零公里石碑,達坂位於309公里(192英里)。[4]葉城縣麻扎村與和田縣賽圖拉鎮之間,靠近兩縣交界處。西方媒體消息來源通常將其稱為柯爾克孜叢林達坂(Kirgizjangal Pass) [5]

Kirgizjangal Pass
穿過 219國道 (新藏公路)
坐標36°25′52″N 77°34′44″E / 36.431°N 77.579°E / 36.431; 77.579
柯克阿特達坂 (黑卡子達坂)在南疆的位置
柯克阿特達坂 (黑卡子達坂)



Kirgizjangal這個名字指的是附近歷史上臭名昭著的黑黑子將杆的位置(Chinese: 黑黑子將杆/黑黑孜江干[6][hhz]),字面意思是「柯爾克孜叢林」或「柯爾克孜灌木叢」。[7]位於約10公里(6英里)向西,是印度和新疆南部塔里木盆地之間旅行商隊最好避開的位置。在清朝征服新疆之前,該地區居住著游牧的柯爾克孜族[7]該地區的柯爾克孜人被稱為土匪。他們會搶劫商隊並將其隊員賣給巴達克山當奴隸。[8]當清朝在 1700 年代後期首次控制該地區時,他們將柯爾克孜人逐出該地區。[7]然而,當清政府在 1850 年代至 1870 年代的太平天國之亂同治陝甘回亂期間削弱了對地區的控制時,柯爾克孜人又回來了。[8]再加上這些叛亂的經濟影響,導致印度和塔里木盆地之間商隊路線沿線的貿易減少。[9]





  • hqz -中文名稱有多種變體,音標也有多種排列。在漢語中,字符是一個有多種讀音的。 字符 在此上下文中是一個小型修飾符,因此可以刪除。 此外,达坂意為「山口」,有時拼音為「大坂」 。([hqz]可以代表為黑卡子)。
  • hhz -在漢語中,「黑黑子」是柯爾克孜族的古字。[12]


  1. ^ Institute of Glaciology and Geocryology. Proceedings of the Symposium on Mountain Glaciology relating to Human Activity held at Lanzhou, Gansu Province, China, 26-30 August 1991. International Glaciological Society. 1992: 136 [2022-03-25]. ISBN 978-0-946417-08-7. (原始內容存檔於2022-03-25). Kekeate Pass 
  2. ^ Frank van Rijn. De gouden capuchon. Uitgeverij Elmar. 2007: 51 [2022-03-25]. ISBN 978-90-389-1729-0. (原始內容存檔於2022-03-25) (德語). Kekeate-La 
  3. ^ Kirgizjangal Pass. dangerousroads.org. [28 January 2020]. (原始內容存檔於2022-03-25). Kirgizjangal Pass ... The road to the summit is called 219 National Road, also known as Tibet-Xinjiang Highway. Construction of this road started in 1951, was completed in 1957 and fully paved with asphalt in 2013. ... It’s a great climb with many switchbacks. 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 骑行新藏线d5:黑恰道班k288 -黑恰达坂k309-赛图拉遗址k350-三十里营房k364. 不止騎行川藏線攻略 (buzhiqixing.com). 2019-03-09 [28 January 2020]. (原始內容存檔於2021-06-14) (中文). 黑恰達坂k309 ... K324路過廢棄道班 ... K340處的道班也是廢棄道班 
  5. ^ Stephen Lioy; Bradley Mayhew; Megan Eaves. Lonely Planet Tibet. Lonely Planet Global Limited. 1 May 2019: 311 [2022-03-25]. ISBN 978-1-78868-583-2. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-28). The road turns east and climbs over the Kirgizjangal Pass (4930m) to the large village of Xaidulla (Sai Tula; 3700m) 
  6. ^ 黑黑子将杆 (杆). 歷史地名. guoxuedashi.com. [28 January 2020]. (原始內容存檔於2020-01-28) (中文). 在今新疆葉城縣東南葉爾羌河東岸黑恰道班。清宣統 《新疆圖志》 卷9: 「可卡提達坂山口……又十里至黑黑子將杆,柴足草缺。」 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 7.2 Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society. University Press. 1843: 299 [2022-03-25]. (原始內容存檔於2022-03-25). a placed called Kirghiz thicket, where are the remains of some ruined edifices, that tribe having been resident here before the country was subjected to China: being in the habit of plundering the Kafilas they were expelled. After passing Kirghiz Jangal ... 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 Hayward, G. W. Journey from Leh to Yarkand and Kashgar, and Exploration of the Sources of the Yarkand River. Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. 1870, 40: 33. ISSN 0266-6235. JSTOR 1798640. doi:10.2307/1798640. The Kirghiz of Sarikol and Pamir Khurd formerly frequented this pasture ground, used to commit many depredations on the caravans of the merchants trading between Leh and Yarkand. ... Their last great raid took place three years ago, when a band of 120 armed men attacked a large caravan ... their property was seized, and the merchants themselves were sold as slaves into Badakhshan. 
  9. ^ Report on the Trade and Resources of the Countries on the North-western Boundary of British India. Printed at the Government Press. 1862: 69 [2022-03-25]. (原始內容存檔於2022-05-05). the trade of Le has within the last fifteen years, considerably diminished. The civil war in China is one principal cause of the decline. ... the road between Le and Yarkand is not efficiently protected as formerly, and the Kirghiz robbers from Kunjad, in the winter frequently attack the armed caravans. 
  10. ^ YANG Jinzhong; CHEN Wei; WANG Hui. Delineation of iron formation in Wenquangou Group along Heiqia Pass in West Kunlun metallogenic belt. Remote Sensing for Land & Resources. 2017, 29 (3) [27 January 2020]. doi:10.6046/gtzyyg.2017.03.28 (中文). 
  11. ^ Qiao Gengbiao; Wang Ping; Wu Yuezhong; Du Wei; Li Shanglin; Chen Denghui; Zhao Xiaojian. Generality on Metallogenic Regularity of Karakorum Metallogenic Belt in Xinjiang. Journal of Jilin University (Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (4) [27 January 2020]. doi:10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201504111. (原始內容存檔於2020-01-28) (中文). 黑黑孜江干菱鐵礦 ... 黑黑孜江干銅礦點 
  12. ^ 李長林; 張小曼. 张西曼集. Beijing Book Co. Inc. 1 October 2010: 52 [2022-03-25]. ISBN 978-7-5438-6846-5. (原始內容存檔於2022-04-15). Kirghiz——漢之堅昆,唐之黠戛斯,現稱:吉爾吉斯,黑黑子