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編輯Cogito ergo sum到底是否一個「公式」、論證其實仍有爭議。這句拉丁文的意思只是「我思、我在」而不是「我思所以我在」,到底笛卡兒是否要以我思論證我在,不同的人有不同的說法,而他們也各自在笛卡兒的文本(《方法論》和對反駁《沉思錄》的人的回應?)中找到支持自己的理據。--Ivy ST 17:42 2004年11月25日 (UTC)
笛卡兒, 笛卡爾
編輯笛卡爾和笛卡兒分別是那裹的譯名? 條目裹兩個譯名也有,有點混亂。 --Johna 16:44 2005年6月22日 (UTC)
- 《世界人名翻譯大辭典》內是笛卡兒,《外國地名譯名手冊》中型本裏面因笛卡兒得名的地區是笛卡爾,比較混亂。—zy26 was here. 2008年1月29日 (二) 04:44 (UTC)
- 同一條目下的譯名是否應統一?--Shannon Talk 2013年12月3日 (二) 15:20 (UTC)
編輯這個「勒奈」是哪裏公認的啊?姓有固定的,名可說不準。René應該是勒內更貼近一些。而且我在google的搜索結果也是勒內比勒奈多。--wooddoo 虢國夫人遊春圖 20:39 2005年9月6日 (UTC)
- 應該為「勒內」。—zy26 was here. 2008年1月29日 (二) 04:44 (UTC)
- 按照法文的讀音,應為「勒內」。Mlogic (留言) 2009年5月15日 (五) 03:10 (UTC)
Is self-awareness necessary for "我思故我在" ?
編輯我思故我在(Cogito ergo sum)
This is the most genuine and irrefutable truth claimed by Descartes. As mentioned by him, a man can doubt every thing in this world, e.g. existence of water, sky, body, land, light etc. Yet, when he doubts, he is thinking, and when he is thinking it is irrefutable that he exists. I have read an online article commenting that Descartes』 idea is based on the concept of self awareness. In this gentleman’s idea, if a person does not have awareness of self, he does not exist in the eyes of Descartes』, e.g. a person with intellectual disability. However, in my opinion, this comment’s 『person』 seems to be hardly exists in the real world. Even for the people with intellectual disability, they are rarely lack of self concept.
On the other hand, though Descartes had mentioned that when a person thinks / voices out 『I exist』 then he exists, this does not represent the whole meaning of Descartes. This is not actually a process that people must do in order to be exist, but Descartes was pinpointing on thinking. Even though there is a person who does not have self-concept and never know what is 『I’, yet when he thinks he exists.
Thinking in psychological realm is defined very broadly, it is not necessarily logical calculating and philosophical thinking as most of us think thinking is, but also cognitive perception, learning, decoding and encoding messages in contact with the person etc. Thus the more noticeable problem that appears in Descartes』 discussion should his definition of thinking. Nature of thinking and functions produced by thinking are different according to Descartes which is not aligning with the psychology field nowadays (which should be integrated and treated as one whole). I think that in looking into Descartes』 idea nowadays we should take the definition from psychology realm about thinking.
編輯第3個標題(也許稱為段落更為準確),"對科學的貢獻"。我認為應該將此段落分為2部分來寫。如果只從標題上理解,"對科學的貢獻"並不能代表笛卡爾在數學方面有所貢獻。因為數學是獨立於科學之外的。另外,笛卡爾在數學和哲學上的貢獻,相比於在科學上的貢獻更為突出,所以我認為,單用一個段落來介紹他的數學成就並不為過。 —Guamian (留言) 2008年1月29日 (二) 14:02 (UTC)
編輯「笛卡兒,全名勒內·德斯卡特斯(René Descartes)」是錯誤的,Descartes的法文讀音正是「笛卡兒」(法語發音:[dekaʁt],參見w:René_Descartes),不應按照英文發音譯為「德斯卡特斯」。Mlogic (留言) 2009年5月15日 (五) 03:15 (UTC)
英文維基說笛卡爾是11歲進入La Fleche的學校?
編輯"At the age of eleven, he entered the Jesuit Collège Royal Henry-Le-Grand at La Flèche" -英文維基百科René Descartes --Inspector (留言) 2009年10月21日 (三) 13:39 (UTC)
編輯我不知道笛卡兒能如何被詮釋為「唯物論」的開拓者,倒是把他認定為心物二元論的開拓者,應該是沒有疑問的。 AlphaLMU (留言) 2010年3月1日 (一) 02:03 (UTC)
- 向 http://www.tianyabook.com/zhexue/no1/index.html 中加入存檔連結 https://web.archive.org/web/20100216222732/http://www.tianyabook.com/zhexue/no1/index.html
- 向 http://www.hfu.edu.tw/~huangkm/ration/RULES-sum-ch.htm 中加入存檔連結 https://web.archive.org/web/20090108160802/http://www.hfu.edu.tw/~huangkm/ration/RULES-sum-ch.htm
編輯1. 那麼多爆炸性的瑣事,竟然只有一條來源[(見此)]:The Meditations contain a full statement of the system sketched in the Discourse. Before publication the text was sent to Mersenne to circulate for comment to a number of scholars and thinkers. Six sets of objections were received. They were printed, with replies from Descartes, in a long appendix to the Wrst edition of 1641, which thus became the Wrst peer-reviewed work in history. The objectors were a varied and distinguished group: apart from Mersenne himself they included a scholastic neighbour in Holland, an Augustinian theologian from Paris, Antoine Arnauld, plus the atomist philosopher Pierre Gassendi, and the English materialist and nominalist, Thomas Hobbes. 這連第四段第一句話都證明不了。 2. 前三段不僅沒有來源,而且用字很極端很有感情色彩:「堅決否認」、「備受侮辱」、「愚蠢和不學無術」。 3. 談論笛卡爾不需要塑造(捏造?)笛卡爾那樣的形象,笛卡爾的數學、哲學成就更重要。 4. 如果有有價值的信息,建議移動到「生平」里。