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订于台湾时间12/23 (一) 19:00举行,
参与连结为 https://meet.google.com/qiv-ctih-sse 。
--NHC、才不是NPC呢哼!。:.゚(*`・ω・)ゞ:。 2024年12月9日 (一) 17:25 (UTC)
Help at Chinese Wikinews
编辑Hello! I understand that you're an administrator at the Chinese Wikinews. For some reason I can't make any edits anywhere at Wikinews so I ask you here. Can you change the file in this article to commons:File:2021-02-13 Honshu, Japan M7.1 earthquake shakemap (USGS).jpg? The new file is for the same earthquake and will get merged. This is for Wikimedia Commons maintenance. Thanks! // Kakan spelar(留言) 2024年12月13日 (五) 16:14 (UTC)