Infobox tennis biography/doc[[File:{{{照片}}}|frameless|upright=1]] |
全名 | {{{姓名}}} |
罗马拼音 | {{{罗马拼音}}} |
外号 | {{{外号}}} |
国家/地区 | {{{国籍}}} |
居住地 | {{{居住地}}} |
出生 | {{{生日}}} {{{出生地}}} |
逝世 | {{{逝世日期}}} {{{逝世地}}} |
身高 | {{{身高}}} |
体重 | {{{体重}}} |
就读大学 | {{{就读大学}}} |
教练 | {{{教练}}} |
转职业年 | {{{转职业年}}} |
退休年 | {{{退休年}}} |
持拍 | {{{持拍手}}}手持拍({{{反拍}}}反拍) |
职业奖金 | {{{奖金}}} |
名人堂 | {{{名人堂}}} (名人堂网站) |
官方网站 | {{{官方网站}}} |
职业战绩 | {{{职业战绩}}} |
冠军头衔 | {{{单打冠军头衔}}} |
最高排名 | {{{单打最高排名}}} |
现今排名 | {{{现单打排名}}} |
澳网 | {{{澳网最好成绩}}} |
法网 | {{{法网最好成绩}}} |
温网 | {{{温网最好成绩}}} |
美网 | {{{美网最好成绩}}} |
WHCC | {{{世界硬地锦标赛最好成绩}}} |
WCCC | {{{世界草地网球锦标赛最好成绩}}} |
ATP总决赛 | {{{ATP年终赛单打最好成绩}}} |
WTA总决赛 | {{{WTA总决赛单打最好成绩}}} |
奥运会 | {{{奥运会最好成绩}}} |
职业战绩 | {{{双打职业战绩}}} |
冠军头衔 | {{{双打冠军头衔}}} |
最高排名 | {{{双打最高排名}}} |
现今排名 | {{{现双打排名}}} |
澳网 | {{{澳网双打最好成绩}}} |
法网 | {{{法网双打最好成绩}}} |
温网 | {{{温网双打最好成绩}}} |
美网 | {{{美网双打最好成绩}}} |
ATP总决赛 | {{{ATP年终赛双打最好成绩}}} |
WTA总决赛 | {{{WTA总决赛双打最好成绩}}} |
奥运会 | {{{奥运会双打最好成绩}}} |
职业战绩 | {{{混双职业战绩}}} |
冠军头衔 | {{{混双冠军头衔}}} |
澳网 | {{{澳网混双最好成绩}}} |
法网 | {{{法网混双最好成绩}}} |
温网 | {{{温网混双最好成绩}}} |
美网 | {{{美网混双最好成绩}}} |
WHCC | {{{世界硬地锦标赛混双最好成绩}}} |
WCCC | {{{世界草地网球锦标赛混双最好成绩}}} |
奥运会 | {{{夏季奥运会混双最好成绩}}} |
世界团队杯 | {{{世界团队杯最好成绩}}} |
戴维斯杯 | {{{戴维斯杯最好成绩}}} |
联合会杯 | {{{联合会杯最好成绩}}} |
霍普曼杯 | {{{霍普曼杯最好成绩}}} |
惠特曼杯 | {{{惠特曼杯最好成绩}}} |
比利·简·金杯 | {{{比利·简·金杯最好成绩}}} |
ATP杯 | {{{ATP杯最好成绩}}} |
联合杯 | {{{联合杯最好成绩}}} |
最近更新日期:{{{updated}}} |
{{Infobox tennis biography
| name = <!-- 與條目名稱相同 -->
| 照片 = <!-- 例:Imagename.jpg -->
| image_size =
| alt =
| caption =
| 姓名 =
| 羅馬拼音 =
| 外號 =
| native_name =
| native_name_lang =
| itf_name =
| 國籍 =
| 居住地 =
| 出生日期 = <!-- {{birth date and age|yyyy|mm|dd}} -->
| 出生地 =
| 逝世日期 = <!-- {{death date and age|yyyy|mm|dd|yyyy|mm|dd}} 第一個日期為出生日期,第二個日期為逝世日期 -->
| 逝世地 =
| 身高 = <!-- {{Convert|?.??|m}} -->
| 體重 = <!-- 手動輸入xxx千克(xxx磅)。因為若使用{{Convert}}輸入千克,轉換為磅會丟失精度;若輸入磅,則優先顯示磅,括號內顯示千克,不符合中文習慣 -->
| 就讀大學 =
| 教練 =
| 轉職業年 =
| 退休年 =
| 持拍手 = <!--輸入「左」或「右」-->
| 反拍 = <!--輸入「單手」或「雙手」-->
| 職業獎金 = <!-- [[美元]] -->
| 名人堂 = <!-- 輸入球員加入名人堂年份 -->
| 名人堂id = <!-- 輸入球員在名人堂官方網頁的ID,網址: Name-Last Name i.e. martina-navratilova-->
| 官方網站 = <!-- 例:[] -->
| 單打職業戰績 =
| 單打冠軍頭銜 =
| 單打最高排名 =
| 現單打排名 =
| 澳網單打最好成績 =
| AustralianOpenjuniorresult =
| AustralianOpenseniorresult =
| 法網單打最好成績 =
| FrenchOpenjuniorresult =
| FrenchOpenseniorresult =
| 溫網單打最好成績 =
| Wimbledonjuniorresult =
| Wimbledonseniorresult =
| 美網單打最好成績 =
| USOpenjuniorresult =
| USOpenseniorresult =
| 其他大型單打賽事 = <!-- 如有其他賽事成績,輸入"Yes" -->
| 世界硬地錦標賽最好成績 =
| 世界草地網球錦標賽最好成績 =
| ATP年終賽單打最好成績 =
| GrandSlamCupresult =
| WCTFinalsresult =
| WTA總決賽單打最好成績 =
| 奧運會單打最好成績 =
| Promajors = <!-- 如有職業錦標賽事成績,輸入"Yes" -->
| USProresult =
| WembleyProresult =
| FrenchProresult =
| TOCresult =
| 雙打職業戰績 =
| 雙打冠軍頭銜 =
| 雙打最高排名 =
| 現雙打排名 =
| 澳網雙打最好成績 =
| AustralianOpenDoublesjuniorresult =
| AustralianOpenDoublesseniorresult =
| 法網雙打最好成績 =
| FrenchOpenDoublesjuniorresult =
| FrenchOpenDoublesseniorresult =
| 溫網雙打最好成績 =
| WimbledonDoublesjuniorresult =
| WimbledonDoublesseniorresult =
| 美網雙打最好成績 =
| USOpenDoublesjuniorresult =
| USOpenDoublesseniorresult =
| 其他大型雙打賽事 = <!-- 如有其他賽事成績,輸入"Yes" -->
| WHCCDoublesresult =
| WCCCDoublesresult =
| ATP年終賽雙打最好成績 =
| WTA總決賽雙打最好成績 =
| 奧運會雙打最好成績 =
| 混雙成績 = <!-- 如有混雙賽事成績,輸入"Yes" -->
| 混雙職業戰績 =
| 混雙冠軍頭銜 =
| 澳網混雙最好成績 =
| 法網混雙最好成績 =
| 溫網混雙最好成績 =
| 美網混雙最好成績 =
| 其他大型混雙賽事 = <!-- 如有其他混雙賽事成績,輸入"Yes" -->
| 世界硬地錦標賽混雙最好成績 =
| 世界草地網球錦標賽混雙最好成績 =
| 夏季奧運會混雙最好成績 =
| 團體成績 = <!-- 如有團體賽事成績,輸入"Yes" -->
| 台維斯盃最好成績 =
| 協會杯最好成績 =
| 霍普曼盃最好成績 =
| 惠特曼盃最好成績 =
| 比莉·珍·金盃最好成績 =
| ATP盃最好成績 =
| 聯合盃最好成績 =
| medaltemplates =
| medaltemplates-title =
| medaltemplates-expand =
| updated = <!-- 加入最近更新日期-->
{{Infobox tennis biography
| name = <!-- 與條目名稱相同 -->
| 照片 = <!-- 例:Imagename.jpg -->
| image_size =
| alt =
| caption =
| 姓名 =
| 罗马拼音 =
| 外号 =
| native_name =
| native_name_lang =
| itf_name =
| 国籍 =
| 居住地 =
| 出生日期 = <!-- {{birth date and age|yyyy|mm|dd}} -->
| 出生地 =
| 逝世日期 = <!-- {{death date and age|yyyy|mm|dd|yyyy|mm|dd}} 第一個日期為出生日期,第二個日期為逝世日期 -->
| 逝世地 =
| 身高 = <!-- {{Convert|?.??|m}} -->
| 体重 = <!-- 手动输入xxx千克(xxx磅)。因为若使用{{Convert}}输入千克,转换为磅会丢失精度;若输入磅,则优先显示磅,括号内显示千克,不符合中文习惯 -->
| 就读大学 =
| 教练 =
| 转职业年 =
| 退休年 =
| 持拍手 = <!--输入「左」或「右」-->
| 反拍 = <!--输入「单手」或「双手」-->
| 职业奖金 = <!-- [[美元]] -->
| 名人堂 = <!-- 輸入球員加入名人堂年份 -->
| 名人堂id = <!-- 輸入球員在名人堂官方網頁的ID,網址: Name-Last Name i.e. martina-navratilova-->
| 官方网站 = <!-- 例:[] -->
| 单打职业战绩 =
| 单打冠军头衔 =
| 单打最高排名 =
| 现单打排名 =
| 澳网单打最好成绩 =
| AustralianOpenjuniorresult =
| AustralianOpenseniorresult =
| 法网单打最好成绩 =
| FrenchOpenjuniorresult =
| FrenchOpenseniorresult =
| 温网单打最好成绩 =
| Wimbledonjuniorresult =
| Wimbledonseniorresult =
| 美网单打最好成绩 =
| USOpenjuniorresult =
| USOpenseniorresult =
| 其他大型单打赛事 = <!-- 如有其他賽事成績,輸入"Yes" -->
| 世界硬地锦标赛最好成绩 =
| 世界草地网球锦标赛最好成绩 =
| ATP年终赛单打最好成绩 =
| GrandSlamCupresult =
| WCTFinalsresult =
| WTA总决赛单打最好成绩 =
| 奥运会单打最好成绩 =
| Promajors = <!-- 如有職業錦標賽事成績,輸入"Yes" -->
| USProresult =
| WembleyProresult =
| FrenchProresult =
| TOCresult =
| 双打职业战绩 =
| 双打冠军头衔 =
| 双打最高排名 =
| 现双打排名 =
| 澳网双打最好成绩 =
| AustralianOpenDoublesjuniorresult =
| AustralianOpenDoublesseniorresult =
| 法网双打最好成绩 =
| FrenchOpenDoublesjuniorresult =
| FrenchOpenDoublesseniorresult =
| 温网双打最好成绩 =
| WimbledonDoublesjuniorresult =
| WimbledonDoublesseniorresult =
| 美网双打最好成绩 =
| USOpenDoublesjuniorresult =
| USOpenDoublesseniorresult =
| 其他大型双打赛事 = <!-- 如有其他賽事成績,輸入"Yes" -->
| WHCCDoublesresult =
| WCCCDoublesresult =
| ATP年终赛双打最好成绩 =
| WTA总决赛双打最好成绩 =
| 奥运会双打最好成绩 =
| 混双成绩 = <!-- 如有混雙賽事成績,輸入"Yes" -->
| 混双职业战绩 =
| 混双冠军头衔 =
| 澳网混双最好成绩 =
| 法网混双最好成绩 =
| 温网混双最好成绩 =
| 美网混双最好成绩 =
| 其他大型混双赛事 = <!-- 如有其他混雙賽事成績,輸入"Yes" -->
| 世界硬地锦标赛混双最好成绩 =
| 世界草地网球锦标赛混双最好成绩 =
| 夏季奥运会混双最好成绩 =
| 团体成绩 = <!-- 如有團體賽事成績,輸入"Yes" -->
| 戴维斯杯最好成绩 =
| 联合会杯最好成绩 =
| 霍普曼杯最好成绩 =
| 惠特曼杯最好成绩 =
| 比利·简·金杯最好成绩 =
| ATP杯最好成绩 =
| 联合杯最好成绩 =
| medaltemplates =
| medaltemplates-title =
| medaltemplates-expand =
| updated = <!-- 加入最近更新日期-->
{{Infobox tennis biography
| name = <!-- 與條目名稱相同 -->
| image = <!-- 例:Imagename.jpg -->
| image_size =
| alt =
| caption =
| full_name =
| romanized_name =
| nickname =
| native_name =
| native_name_lang =
| itf_name =
| country_represented =
| residence =
| birth_date = <!-- {{birth date and age|yyyy|mm|dd}} -->
| birth_place =
| death_date = <!-- {{death date and age|yyyy|mm|dd|yyyy|mm|dd}} 第一個日期為出生日期,第二個日期為逝世日期 -->
| death_place =
| height = <!-- {{Convert|?.??|m}} -->
| weight = <!-- 手动输入xxx千克(xxx磅)。因为若使用{{Convert}}输入千克,转换为磅会丢失精度;若输入磅,则优先显示磅,括号内显示千克,不符合中文习惯 -->
| college =
| coach =
| turnedpro =
| retired =
| 持拍手 = <!--輸入「左」或「右」-->
| 反拍 = <!--輸入「單手」或「雙手」-->
| careerprizemoney = <!-- [[美元]] -->
| tennishofyear = <!-- 輸入球員加入名人堂年份 -->
| tennishofid = <!-- 輸入球員在名人堂官方網頁的ID,網址: Name-Last Name i.e. martina-navratilova-->
| website = <!-- 例:[] -->
| singlesrecord =
| singlestitles =
| highestsinglesranking =
| currentsinglesranking =
| AustralianOpenresult =
| AustralianOpenjuniorresult =
| AustralianOpenseniorresult =
| FrenchOpenresult =
| FrenchOpenjuniorresult =
| FrenchOpenseniorresult =
| Wimbledonresult =
| Wimbledonjuniorresult =
| Wimbledonseniorresult =
| USOpenresult =
| USOpenjuniorresult =
| USOpenseniorresult =
| Othertournaments = <!-- 如有其他賽事成績,輸入"Yes" -->
| WHCCresult =
| WCCCresult =
| MastersCupresult =
| GrandSlamCupresult =
| WCTFinalsresult =
| WTAChampionshipsresult =
| Olympicsresult =
| Promajors = <!-- 如有職業錦標賽事成績,輸入"Yes" -->
| USProresult =
| WembleyProresult =
| FrenchProresult =
| TOCresult =
| doublesrecord =
| doublestitles =
| highestdoublesranking =
| currentdoublesranking =
| AustralianOpenDoublesresult =
| AustralianOpenDoublesjuniorresult =
| AustralianOpenDoublesseniorresult =
| FrenchOpenDoublesresult =
| FrenchOpenDoublesjuniorresult =
| FrenchOpenDoublesseniorresult =
| WimbledonDoublesresult =
| WimbledonDoublesjuniorresult =
| WimbledonDoublesseniorresult =
| USOpenDoublesresult =
| USOpenDoublesjuniorresult =
| USOpenDoublesseniorresult =
| OthertournamentsDoubles = <!-- 如有其他賽事成績,輸入"Yes" -->
| WHCCDoublesresult =
| WCCCDoublesresult =
| MastersCupDoublesresult =
| WTAChampionshipsDoublesresult =
| OlympicsDoublesresult =
| Mixed = <!-- 如有混雙賽事成績,輸入"Yes" -->
| mixedrecord =
| mixedtitles =
| AustralianOpenMixedresult =
| FrenchOpenMixedresult =
| WimbledonMixedresult =
| USOpenMixedresult =
| OthertournamentsMixedDoubles = <!-- 如有其他混雙賽事成績,輸入"Yes" -->
| WHCCMixedDoublesresult =
| WCCCMixedDoublesresult =
| OlympicMixedDoublesresult =
| Team = <!-- 如有團體賽事成績,輸入"Yes" -->
| DavisCupresult =
| FedCupresult =
| HopmanCupresult =
| WightmanCupresult =
| BJKCupresult =
| ATPCupresult =
| UnitedCupresult =
| medaltemplates =
| medaltemplates-title =
| medaltemplates-expand =
| updated = <!-- 加入最近更新日期-->
{{Infobox tennis biography
| embed =
| name =
| image =
| image_size =
| alt =
| caption =
| full_name =
| romanized_name =
| nickname =
| native_name =
| native_name_lang =
| itf_name =
| country_represented =
| residence =
| birth_date =
| birth_place =
| death_date =
| death_place =
| height =
| weight =
| college =
| coach =
| turnedpro =
| retired =
| plays = <!--請改用「持拍手」及「反拍」參數-->
| 持拍手 = <!--輸入「左」或「右」-->
| 反拍 = <!--輸入「單手」或「雙手」-->
| careerprizemoney =
| tennishofyear =
| tennishofid =
| website =
| singlesrecord =
| singlestitles =
| highestsinglesranking =
| currentsinglesranking =
| AustralianOpenresult =
| AustralianOpenjuniorresult =
| AustralianOpenseniorresult =
| FrenchOpenresult =
| FrenchOpenjuniorresult =
| FrenchOpenseniorresult =
| Wimbledonresult =
| Wimbledonjuniorresult =
| Wimbledonseniorresult =
| USOpenresult =
| USOpenjuniorresult =
| USOpenseniorresult =
| Othertournaments =
| WHCCresult =
| WCCCresult =
| MastersCupresult =
| GrandSlamCupresult =
| WCTFinalsresult =
| WTAChampionshipsresult =
| Olympicsresult =
| WheelchairTennisMastersresult =
| Paralympicsresult =
| Promajors =
| USProresult =
| WembleyProresult =
| FrenchProresult =
| TOCresult =
| doublesrecord =
| doublestitles =
| highestdoublesranking =
| currentdoublesranking =
| AustralianOpenDoublesresult =
| AustralianOpenDoublesjuniorresult =
| AustralianOpenDoublesseniorresult =
| FrenchOpenDoublesresult =
| FrenchOpenDoublesjuniorresult =
| FrenchOpenDoublesseniorresult =
| WimbledonDoublesresult =
| WimbledonDoublesjuniorresult =
| WimbledonDoublesseniorresult =
| USOpenDoublesresult =
| USOpenDoublesjuniorresult =
| USOpenDoublesseniorresult =
| OthertournamentsDoubles =
| WHCCDoublesresult =
| WCCCDoublesresult =
| MastersCupDoublesresult =
| WTAChampionshipsDoublesresult =
| OlympicsDoublesresult =
| WheelchairTennisMastersDoublesresult =
| ParalympicsDoublesresult =
| Mixed =
| mixedrecord =
| mixedtitles =
| AustralianOpenMixedresult =
| FrenchOpenMixedresult =
| WimbledonMixedresult =
| USOpenMixedresult =
| OthertournamentsMixedDoubles =
| WHCCMixedDoublesresult =
| WCCCMixedDoublesresult =
| OlympicMixedDoublesresult =
| Team =
| WheelchairWorldTeamCupresult =
| DavisCupresult =
| FedCupresult =
| HopmanCupresult =
| WightmanCupresult =
| BJKCupresult =
| ATPCupresult =
| UnitedCupresult =
| CoachYears =
| CoachPlayers =
| CoachSinglesTitles =
| CoachDoublesTitles =
| CoachTournamentRecord =
| CoachingAwards =
| CoachingRecords =
| module =
| medaltemplates =
| medaltemplates-title =
| medaltemplates-expand =
| updated =
| nocat_wdimage =