- Abdiel – "神的仆人Servant of God"
- Abiel – "神是我父亲God my Father"
- Abimael – "神派来的父亲A Father sent from God"
- Adbeel – "神的云Cloud of God"
- Adriel – "神的羊群Flock of God"
- Advachiel – "神的快乐Happiness of God"
- Ambriel – "神的动力Energy of God"
- 亚拉尔(Arael)– "神的光Light of God" or "Vision of God"
- 亚列尔(Ariel)– "神的勇士Lion of God"
- 阿米沙尔(Armisael)– "神的审判之山Mountain of Judgment of God"
- Asmodel – "神的伟大Greatness of God"
- 阿撒兹勒 (Azael)– "神之强悍God Strengthens"
- 爱瑟瑞尔(Azrael)– "神帮助的人Whom God Helps"
- 巴拉基勒 (Barakiel)– "神的照明Lighting of God"
- 巴迪尔(Barbiel)– "神的启发Illumination of God"
- Barchiel – "神的善良Kindness of God" or "Ray of God"
- Bardiel – "神的羞愧孩子Humilliated Son of God"
- Bethuael – "神的房子House of God"
- Betzalel – "神的影子/路Shadow/Path of God"
- Boel – "神旁边的他God is in Him"
- Camael – "看见神的人He who Sees God"
- 夏弥尔(Chamuel)– "寻找神的人He who Seeks God"
- 丹尼尔(Daniel)– "我的判断是神My Judge is God",或者"神已判断God has Judged"
- Elad – "神之永恒God Forever"
- Eli –(神的另外名字Another name of God)
- Elias,Elijah – "Whose God is the Lord", "神是主", "The Strong Lord", "God of the Lord", "我的神是主" "我的神是耶和华"。含有两个意思(Eli)-(Jah)
- Elisha – "我的神是救赎My God is Salvation"
- Elishama – "神倾听My God Hears"
- Eliezer – "神帮助My God Helps"
- Elimelech – "我的神是王My God is King"
- Elizabeth – "我的神是誓言My God is Oath"
- Elkanah – "拥有一切神God has Possessed", or "神之创造God has Created"
- Emmanuel – "神与我们同在God is with us"
- Ezekiel – "神要加固God will Strengthen"
- Ezequeel – "神的力量Strength of God"
- Ezrael – "神的帮助Help of God"
- 加百列(Gabriel)– "神的人Man of God"、"神显现自身的强大God has shown Himself Mighty", "神的英雄Hero of God"、"神的第一强Strong one of God"
- 迦基尔(Gaghiel)– "神的咆哮之兽Roaring Beast of God"
- Gamaliel – "神的奖赏Reward of God"
- Hamaliel – "神的祝福Grace of God"
- 汉尼尔(Haniel)– "神的荣誉Glory of God"
- Immanuel – "神与我们同在God is with Us"
- Ishmael – "神要倾听God will Hear"
- 伊斯拉斐尔(Israel)– "与神角力One who has struggled with God"
- Joel – "Jah is God"
- 雷里尔(Leliel)– "神的巨齿Jaws of God"
- Malahidael – "神的王King of God"
- 马特里尔(Matriel)– "神的预料Premonition of God"
- 米迦勒(Michael)– "谁像神Who is like God" or "好比神Likened unto God"
- 穆里尔(Muriel)– "Fragrance of God"
- 纳撒尼尔(Nathaniel)– "Gift of God" or "God has Given"
- 雷米尔(Ramiel)– "神的慈悲Elevated of God"
- 拉斐尔(Raphael)– "神的朋友God is Healing" or "Healing one of God"
- 拉结尔(Raziel)– "神的秘密Secret of God"
- Sachiel – "Price of God" or "Covering of God"
- Salatheel – "我已请求神I have asked God"
- 萨哈魁尔(Sahaquiel)– "Ingenuity of God"
- Samael – "神的怨恨Venom of God"
- Samiel – "盲神Blind God", epithet for Baal或巨匠造物主
- 塞缪尔(Samuel)– "Name/Heard of God"
- Satanael – "神的敌人Adversary of God"
- 夏姆榭尔(Shamshel)– "Lonely Conqueror of God"
- Suriel – "神的命令Command of God"
- Tamiel – "神的完美Perfection of God"
- Tarfiel – "神滋养God Nourishes"
- 扎法尔(Tzaphquiel)– "神的沉思Contemplation of God"
- 乌列尔(Uriel)– "神之光明Light of God" or "神之火焰Fire of God"
- Verchiel – "神的光芒Shining of God"
- Yael – "Delivered from God"
- Za'afiel – "神的愤怒Wrath of God"
- 萨基尔(Zadkiel)– "神的正义Righteousness of God"
- Zagzagel – "神的光彩Splendor of God"
- 沙法尔(Zaphkiel)– "神的知识Knowledge of God"
- 塞路尔(Zeruel)– "神的臂膀Arm of God"
- Zophiel – "神的探索Spy of God"
- Abdiel耶和华的仆人Servant of Yahweh
- Abiah耶和华,我父Yahweh is my father
- Abijah耶和华,我父Yahweh is my father
- Abijam Yam是我父Yam is my father(Yam是耶和华另外的名字)
- Adaiah 耶和华见证人witness of Yahweh/Jehovah's witness
- Ahaziah耶和华的幻象vision of Yahweh
- Ahiah耶和华的兄弟brother of Yahweh
- Ahijah耶和华的兄弟brother of Yahweh
- Amariah耶和华的话语,耶和华的正直Yahweh says; integrity of Yahweh
- Amaziah耶和华的力量strength of Yahweh
- Jael耶和华是神Yahweh is El/God
- Jabin耶和华之子Son of Yahweh/Yahweh is a son
- 巴力Baal,主master; lord
- Baalah,她的偶像her idol; she that is governed or subdued; a spouse
- Baalath,欣喜;我们骄傲的主a rejoicing; our proud lord
- Baalath-Beer, subjected pit
- 比利士Baal-berith,立约的偶像idol of the covenant
- Baale,同Baalath
- Baal-gad,幸运和福气的偶像idol of fortune or felicity
- Baal-hamon,统治者who rules a crowd
- Baal-hanan,巴力是高尚的Baal is gracious
- Baal-hermon, possessor of destruction or of a thing cursed
- Baali,我的偶像;my idol; lord over me
- Baalim,偶像;主人;错误的神idols; masters; false gods
- Baalis,欣喜;骄傲的主a rejoicing; a proud lord
- Baal-meon,偶像或房之主idol or master of the house
- Baal-peor,开工之神master of the opening
- Baal-perazim,分割之神god of divisions
- Baal-shalisha, the god that presides over three; the third idol
- Baal-tamar,棕榈树之主master of the palm-tree
- 巴力西卜Baal-zebub,飞翔之神god of the fly(原书中是"Lord of the Flies")
- Baal-zephon,偶像或者北方领主;隐藏;秘密the idol or possession of the north; hidden; secret