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编辑根據Eugene Hecht的教科書Optics,page 327-328:The electric field vector is rotating clockwise at an angular frequency of , as seen by an observer toward whome the wave is moving(i.e., looking back at the source). Such a wave is right-circularly polarized. 根據Grant Fowles的教科書Introduction to Modern Optics,page 2-30:The signs of the terms in the equation are such that the expression represents clockwise rotation of the electric vector at a given point in space when viewed against the direction of propagation. … Such a wave is said to be right circularly polarized. 每一本教科書都有其將圓偏振細分為「右旋圓偏振」、「左旋圓偏振」的約定。中文版偏振條目的約定與Eugene Hecht的教科書Optics、Grant Fowles的教科書Introduction to Modern Optics相同。牽一髮而動全身,如果改變約定,則後面的公式裡的項很多都要改變正負符號,所以不建議改變約定。--老陳(留言) 2019年4月18日 (四) 05:18 (UTC)