English: The
compact group of
2-adic integers (black points), with selected elements labeled by the corresponding character on the
Pontryagin dual group (the
discrete Prüfer 2-group) (colored discs).
Counter-clockwise from the right, the labeled elements are 0, 4, 2, −3, 1, −1/7, −1/3, 1/3, 1/7, −1, 3, −2, and −4. Open the SVG directly in your browser to get tooltips on group elements.
Each colored disc is tied to a 2-adic integer, , and it represents the corresponding character on the Prüfer 2-group, , defined by . The circle group is represented by a color wheel where 0 = red.
For details on the embedding of the 2-adic integers, see Chistyakov, D. V. (1996), “Fractal geometry for images of continuous embeddings of
p-adic numbers and solenoids into Euclidean spaces”, in
Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, volume 109, issue 3,
DOI:10.1007/BF02073866, pages 1495–1507 The particular mapping used is
, defined in Definition 3 and depicted in Figure 1.