File:Global tropical cyclone tracks-edit2.jpg

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Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale
TD TS 1 2 3 4 5
Čeština: Světové tropické cyklony v letech 1985 - 2005
English: This map shows the tracks of all Tropical cyclones which formed worldwide from 1985 to 2005. The points show the locations of the storms at six-hourly intervals and use the color scheme shown to the right from the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale. However, remnants of the storms are not shown as triangles.
Español: Este mapa muestra los recorridos de todos los ciclones tropicales, que se formaron desde 1985 hasta 2005. Los puntos muestran las localizaciones de las tormentas en intervalos de seis horas, y utilizan el esquema de color (a la derecha) de la Escala de huracanes de Saffir-Simpson.
Deutsch: Diese Karte zeigt die Verlaufsbahnen der Tropischen Wirbelstürme von 1985 bis 2005. Die farbigen Punkte zeigen die Positionen der Stürme in sechs-stündlichen Abständen und verdeutlichen die Intensität eines Sturmes zu diesen Zeitpunkten auf der Saffir-Simpson-Hurrikan-Skala.
Français : Cette carte montre les traces de tous les cyclones tropicaux qui se sont formés entre 1985 et 2005. Les points montrent l'emplacement des cyclones à des intervalles de six heures, et leur couleur indique leur intensité sur l'échelle de Saffir-Simpson.
Português: Esse mapa mostra as rotas de todos os ciclones tropicais que se formaram entre 1985 e 2005. Os pontos indicam suas localizações, registradas a cada seis horas. O esquema de cores ao lado é baseado na escala Saffir-Simpson.
Tagalog: Ang mapang ito ay nagpapakita ng dinaanan ng mga bagyo sa buong mundo mula 1985 hanggang 2005. Ang mga tuldok ay nagpapakita ng galaw ng bagyo kada anim na oras. Makikita rin ang ibat-iang kulay ng bawat linya na magbibigay impormasyon sa lakas o hina ng isang isang bagyo sa pamamagitan Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale.
Türkçe: Bu harita, 1985 ile 2005 yıları arasında dünyada meydana gelen tüm tropik kasırgaların hareketlerini göstermektedir. Her bir nokta altı saatlik aralarla kasırganın yerini, kullanılan renkler ise kasırgaların, Saffir-Simpson ölçeğine göre şiddetlerini gösterir.
Русский: На этой карте показаны пути всех тропических циклонов за 1985-2005 гг. На каждом пути точки соответствуют положениям циклона через каждые 6 часов; их цвет указывает силу циклона по шкале Саффира-Симпсона
Slovenčina: Táto mapa ukazuje trasy všetkých tropických cyklónov, ktoré sa vytvorili po celom svete v rokoch 1985 až 2005. Body ukazujú umiestenie búrky v šesťhodinových intervaloch a používajú farebnú škálu zobrazenú vpravo podľa Saffirovej-Simpsonej hurikánovej stupnice.
中文:此地圖展示自1985年至2005年間世界各地熱帶氣旋分佈及路徑。路徑以每6小時為一點,並按薩菲爾-辛普森颶風等級(Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale)分為不同顏色。

Created using User:jdorje/Tracks by Nilfanion on 2006-08-05. Background image from File:Whole_world_-_land_and_oceans.jpg (NASA).

Tracking data for storms within the Atlantic and Eastern Pacific basins is taken from the National Hurricane Center and the Central Pacific Hurricane Center's Northeast and North Central Pacific hurricane database. The tracking data for storms within the Indian Ocean, the Northwest Pacific and the Southern Pacific is from the Joint Typhoon Warning Center. Tracking data for Cyclone Catarina in the South Atlantic was published in Gary Padgett's April 2004 Monthly Tropical Cyclone Summary and was originally produced by Roger Edson of the University of Guam.
Public domain 我,此作品的版權所有人,釋出此作品至公共領域。此授權條款在全世界均適用。

Used within

Mogil, H. Michael. Extreme Weather: Understanding the Science of Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Floods, Heat Waves, Snow Storms, Global Warming and Other Atmospheric Disturbances, pp. 61. (Hardcover - Nov 13, 2007)


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Worldwide map of all tropical cyclone tracks between 1985 and 2005.



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目前2020年3月19日 (四) 12:10於 2020年3月19日 (四) 12:10 版本的縮圖8,000 × 4,000(5.73 MB)SupportstormReverted to version as of 00:36, 5 August 2006 (UTC)
2020年2月27日 (四) 01:40於 2020年2月27日 (四) 01:40 版本的縮圖1,920 × 960(482 KB)JDD Sickook some body update this its almost 15 years old * also i made no changes *
2006年8月5日 (六) 00:36於 2006年8月5日 (六) 00:36 版本的縮圖8,000 × 4,000(5.73 MB)Nilfanion== Summary == This map shows the tracks of all Tropical cyclones which formed worldwide from 1985 to 2005. The points show the locations of the storms at six-hourly intervals and use the color scheme from [[w:Saffir-Simpson Hurrican

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