# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Winston Yin 2014-12-20
# Takes in JPL small body database csv file
# and parses it into a sortable wikitable.
# CSV format:
# designation, name, eccentricity, inclination,
# perihelion, aphelion, period, orbital class,
# first observation date
import pywikibot
import csv
import re
from math import log10, floor
# Basically one row of the table
class comet:
def __init__(self, row):
self.desig = row[0]
self.name = row[1]
self.ecc = tofloat(row[2])
self.incl = tofloat(row[3])
self.peri = tofloat(row[4])
self.apo = tofloat(row[5])
self.period = tofloat(row[6])
self.oclass = row[7]
self.date = row[8]
# Wikitext of one row
def __str__(self):
row = [None]*8
row[0] = link(self.desig, self.name)
row[1] = sigfig(self.ecc, 4)
row[2] = sigfig(self.incl, 4)
row[3] = sigfig(self.peri, 4)
row[4] = sigfig(self.apo, 4)
row[5] = sigfig(self.period, 4)
row[6] = translate(self.oclass)
row[7] = format_date(self.date)
serial = re.sub(r'^(\d+)[A-Z].*', r'\1', self.desig)
string = '|-'
if re.search(r'[A-Z]-', self.desig) != None:
serial = self.desig
string += ' style=\"background:#ddd;\"'
string += '\n| data-sort-value=\"' + serial + '\" | ' + ' || '.join(row[0:8]) + '\n'
return string
# Load csv file into a list of exoplanets
def load_csv(filename):
table = []
with open(filename, 'r') as csvfile:
csvrows = csv.reader(csvfile)
for row in csvrows:
com = comet(row)
# print('[\'' + com.desig + '/' + com.name + '\', \'\'],')
print(str(len(table)) + ' comets in total.')
return table
# Generates Wikitext for entire table
def wikify(table):
outtext = ('{| class=\"wikitable sortable\"\n'
+ '! 編號/名稱 !! 譯名 !! [[軌道離心率]] !! [[軌道傾角]] !! [[近日點]]<br /><small>([[天文單位|AU]])</small> !! '
+ '遠日點<br /><small>(AU)</small> !! [[軌道周期]]<br /><small>(年)</small> !! '
+ '軌道分類 !! 首次觀測日期\n')
for com in table:
if com.apo != '' and re.search(r'^[0-9]+[A-Z]', com.desig) != None: # Numbered periodic comets only
outtext += com.__str__()
outtext += '|}'
return outtext
# Translates links
def translate(string):
lib = [
['COM', '其他'],
['CTc', '開朗型'],
['ETc', '恩克型'],
['HTC', '哈雷型'],
[r'JF[c|C]', '木星族'],
['1P/Halley', '哈雷彗星'],
['2P/Encke', '恩克彗星'],
['3D/Biela', '比拉彗星'],
['4P/Faye', '法葉彗星'],
['5D/Brorsen', '布羅森彗星'],
['6P/d\'Arrest', '德亞瑞司特彗星'],
['7P/Pons-Winnecke', '龐士-溫尼克彗星'],
['8P/Tuttle', '塔特爾彗星'],
['9P/Tempel', '坦普爾1號彗星'],
['10P/Tempel', '坦普爾2號彗星'],
['11P/Tempel-Swift-LINEAR', '坦普爾-斯威夫特-林尼爾彗星'],
['12P/Pons-Brooks', '龐士-布魯克斯彗星'],
['13P/Olbers', '奧伯斯彗星'],
['14P/Wolf', '沃夫彗星'],
['15P/Finlay', '芬利彗星'],
['16P/Brooks', '布魯克斯2號彗星'],
['17P/Holmes', '霍姆斯彗星'],
['18D/Perrine-Mrkos', '珀賴因-姆爾科斯彗星'],
['19P/Borrelly', '包瑞利彗星'],
['20D/Westphal', '韋士伐彗星'],
['21P/Giacobini-Zinner', '賈可比尼-秦諾彗星'],
['22P/Kopff', '卡普夫彗星'],
['23P/Brorsen-Metcalf', '布羅森–梅特卡夫彗星'],
['24P/Schaumasse', '蕭馬斯彗星'],
['25D/Neujmin', '諾伊明2號彗星'],
['26P/Grigg-Skjellerup', '葛里格-斯傑勒魯普彗星'],
['27P/Crommelin', '克羅瑪林彗星'],
['28P/Neujmin', '諾伊明1號彗星'],
['29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann', '施瓦斯曼-瓦赫曼1號彗星'],
['30P/Reinmuth', '雷睦斯1號彗星'],
['31P/Schwassmann-Wachmann', '施瓦斯曼-瓦赫曼2號彗星'],
['32P/Comas Sola', '科馬斯·索拉彗星'],
['33P/Daniel', '丹尼爾彗星'],
['34D/Gale', '蓋爾彗星'],
['35P/Herschel-Rigollet', '赫歇爾-利哥萊彗星'],
['36P/Whipple', '惠普彗星'],
['37P/Forbes', '福布斯彗星'],
['38P/Stephan-Oterma', '史蒂芬-奧特瑪彗星'],
['39P/Oterma', '奧特瑪彗星'],
['40P/Väisälä', '維薩拉1號彗星'],
['41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresák', '塔特爾-賈可比尼-克雷薩克彗星'],
['42P/Neujmin', '諾伊明3號彗星'],
['43P/Wolf-Harrington', '沃夫-哈靈頓彗星'],
['44P/Reinmuth', '雷睦斯2號彗星'],
['45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdušáková', '本田-姆爾科斯-帕伊杜莎科娃彗星'],
['46P/Wirtanen', '韋坦倫彗星'],
['47P/Ashbrook-Jackson', '阿什布鲁克-傑克遜彗星'],
['48P/Johnson', '詹森彗星'],
['49P/Arend-Rigaux', '阿朗–里戈彗星'],
['50P/Arend', '阿朗彗星'],
['51P/Harrington', '哈靈頓彗星'],
#['51P-A/Harrington', ''],
['52P/Harrington-Abell', '哈靈頓-阿貝爾彗星'],
['53P/Van Biesbroeck', '馮比斯布羅克彗星'],
['54P/de Vico-Swift-NEAT', '德威科-斯威夫特-尼特彗星'],
['55P/Tempel-Tuttle', '坦普爾-塔特爾彗星'],
['56P/Slaughter-Burnham', '斯洛特爾-伯納姆彗星'],
['57P/du Toit-Neujmin-Delporte', '杜圖瓦-諾伊明-德爾波特彗星'],
#['57P-A/duToit-Neujmin-Delporte', ''],
['58P/Jackson-Neujmin', '傑克遜-諾伊明彗星'],
#['59P/Kearns-Kwee', ''],
['60P/Tsuchinshan', '紫金山2號彗星'],
['61P/Shajn-Schaldach', '沙因-沙爾達克彗星'],
['62P/Tsuchinshan', '紫金山1號彗星'],
['63P/Wild', '威爾德1號彗星'],
['64P/Swift-Gehrels', '斯威夫特-蓋勒爾斯彗星'],
['65P/Gunn', '甘恩彗星'],
['66P/du Toit', '杜圖瓦彗星'],
['67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko', '丘留莫夫-格拉西緬科彗星'],
['68P/Klemola', '克萊默拉彗星'],
['69P/Taylor', '泰勒彗星'],
['70P/Kojima', '小島彗星'],
['71P/Clark', '克拉克彗星'],
['72P/Denning-Fujikawa', '丹寧-藤川彗星'],
['73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann', '施瓦斯曼-瓦赫曼3號彗星'],
['74P/Smirnova-Chernykh', '斯米爾諾娃-切爾尼赫彗星'],
['75D/Kohoutek', '科胡特克彗星'],
['76P/West-Kohoutek-Ikemura', '威斯特-科胡特克-池村彗星'],
['77P/Longmore', '隆莫彗星'],
['78P/Gehrels', '蓋勒爾斯2號彗星'],
['79P/du Toit-Hartley', '杜圖瓦-哈特雷彗星'],
['80P/Peters-Hartley', '彼得斯-哈特雷彗星'],
['81P/Wild', '威爾德2號彗星'],
['82P/Gehrels', '蓋勒爾斯3號彗星'],
['83D/Russell', '羅素1號彗星'],
['84P/Giclas', '吉克拉斯彗星'],
['85P/Boethin', '波辛彗星'],
['86P/Wild', '威爾德3號彗星'],
['87P/Bus', '巴斯彗星'],
#['88P/Howell', ''],
['89P/Russell', '羅素2號彗星'],
['90P/Gehrels', '蓋勒爾斯1號彗星'],
['91P/Russell', '羅素3號彗星'],
#['92P/Sanguin', ''],
['93P/Lovas', '洛瓦斯1號彗星'],
['94P/Russell', '羅素4號彗星'],
['96P/Machholz', '梅克賀茲1號彗星'],
['97P/Metcalf-Brewington', '梅特卡夫-布魯英頓彗星'],
['98P/Takamizawa', '高見澤彗星'],
['99P/Kowal', '科瓦爾1號彗星'],
['100P/Hartley', '哈特雷1號彗星'],
['101P/Chernykh', '切爾尼赫彗星'],
#['101P-B/Chernykh', ''],
['102P/Shoemaker', '舒梅克1號彗星'],
['103P/Hartley', '哈特雷2號彗星'],
['104P/Kowal', '科瓦爾2號彗星'],
#['105P/Singer Brewster', ''],
['106P/Schuster', '舒斯特彗星'],
#['108P/Ciffréo', ''],
['109P/Swift-Tuttle', '斯威夫特-塔特爾彗星'],
['110P/Hartley', '哈特雷3號彗星'],
#['111P/Helin-Roman-Crockett', ''],
['112P/Urata-Niijima', '浦田-新島彗星'],
['113P/Spitaler', '史匹塔勒彗星'],
#['114P/Wiseman-Skiff', ''],
#['115P/Maury', ''],
['116P/Wild', '威爾德4號彗星'],
#['117P/Helin-Roman-Alu', ''],
['118P/Shoemaker-Levy', '舒梅克-李維4號彗星'],
['119P/Parker-Hartley', '帕克-哈特雷彗星'],
['120P/Mueller', '穆勒1號彗星'],
['121P/Shoemaker-Holt', '舒梅克-霍爾特2號彗星'],
#['122P/de Vico', ''],
['123P/West-Hartley', '威斯特-哈特雷彗星'],
['124P/Mrkos', '姆爾科斯彗星'],
#['125P/Spacewatch', ''],
#['126P/IRAS', ''],
#['127P/Holt-Olmstead', ''],
['128P-A/Shoemaker-Holt', '舒梅克-霍爾特1號彗星'],
['128P-B/Shoemaker-Holt', '舒梅克-霍爾特1號彗星'],
['129P/Shoemaker-Levy', '舒梅克-李維3號彗星'],
['130P/McNaught-Hughes', '麥克諾特-休斯彗星'],
['131P/Mueller', '穆勒2號彗星'],
#['132P/Helin-Roman-Alu', ''],
['134P/Kowal-Vávrová', '科瓦爾-瓦弗洛娃彗星'],
['135P/Shoemaker-Levy', '舒梅克-李維8號彗星'],
['136P/Mueller', '穆勒3號彗星'],
['137P/Shoemaker-Levy', '舒梅克-李維2號彗星'],
['138P/Shoemaker-Levy', '舒梅克-李維7號彗星'],
['139P/Väisälä-Oterma', '維薩拉-奧特瑪彗星'],
['140P/Bowell-Skiff', '鮑威爾-斯基夫彗星'],
['141P-A/Machholz', '梅克賀茲2號彗星'],
['141P-D/Machholz', '梅克賀茲2號彗星'],
['142P/Ge-Wang', '葛-汪彗星'],
['143P/Kowal-Mrkos', '科瓦爾-姆爾科斯彗星'],
['144P/Kushida', '串田彗星'],
['145P/Shoemaker-Levy', '舒梅克-李維5號彗星'],
['146P/Shoemaker-LINEAR', '舒梅克-林尼爾彗星'],
['147P/Kushida-Muramatsu', '串田-村松彗星'],
['148P/Anderson-LINEAR', '安德森-林尼爾彗星'],
['149P/Mueller', '穆勒4號彗星'],
#['150P/LONEOS', ''],
#['151P/Helin', ''],
#['152P/Helin-Lawrence', ''],
['153P/Ikeya-Zhang', '池谷-張彗星'],
['154P/Brewington', '布魯英頓彗星'],
['155P/Shoemaker', '舒梅克3號彗星'],
['156P/Russell-LINEAR', '羅素-林尼爾彗星'],
#['157P/Tritton', ''],
['158P/Kowal-LINEAR', '科瓦爾-林尼爾彗星'],
#['159P/LONEOS', ''],
[r'^(\d+)P/LINEAR$', r'林尼爾彗星 (\1P)|林尼爾彗星'],
#['161P/Hartley-IRAS', ''],
['162P/Siding Spring', '賽丁泉2號彗星'],
[r'^(\d+)P/NEAT$', r'尼特彗星 (\1P)|尼特彗星'],
['164P/Christensen', '克里斯坦森2號彗星'],
#['167P/CINEOS', ''],
#['168P/Hergenrother', ''],
['170P/Christensen', '克里斯坦森4號彗星'],
#['171P/Spahr', ''],
['172P/Yeung', '楊彗星'],
['173P/Mueller', '穆勒5號彗星'],
#['175P/Hergenrother', ''],
['177P/Barnard', '巴納德2號彗星'],
['178P/Hug-Bell', '哈格-貝爾彗星'],
#['179P/Jedicke', ''],
['181P/Shoemaker-Levy', '舒梅克-李維6號彗星'],
#['182P/LONEOS', ''],
['183P/Korlević-Jurić', '科爾萊維奇-尤里奇彗星'],
['184P/Lovas', '洛瓦斯2號彗星'],
#['185P/Petriew', ''],
#['186P/Garradd', ''],
['188P/LINEAR-Mueller', '林尼爾-穆勒彗星'],
['190P/Mueller', '穆勒6號彗星'],
['191P/McNaught', '麥克諾特11號彗星'],
['192P/Shoemaker-Levy', '舒梅克-李維1號彗星'],
[r'^(\d+)P/LINEAR-NEAT', r'林尼爾-尼特彗星 (\1P)|林尼爾-尼特彗星'],
['195P/Hill', '希爾3號彗星'],
['196P/Tichý', '提奇彗星'],
#['198P/ODAS', ''],
['199P/Shoemaker', '舒梅克4號彗星'],
#['200P/Larsen', ''],
#['201P/LONEOS', ''],
#['202P/Scotti', ''],
['203P/Korlević', '科爾萊維奇彗星'],
['205P/Giacobini', '賈可比尼彗星'],
#['205P-A/Giacobini', ''],
#['205P-B/Giacobini', ''],
#['205P-C/Giacobini', ''],
['206P/Barnard-Boattini', '巴納德-博亞蒂尼彗星'],
#['208P/McMillan', ''],
['210P/Christensen', '克里斯坦森1號彗星'],
['211P/Hill', '希爾7號彗星'],
#['213P/Van Ness', ''],
#['213P-B/Van Ness', ''],
['220P/McNaught', '麥克諾特1號彗星'],
['223P/Skiff', '斯基夫2號彗星'],
['226P/Pigott-LINEAR-Kowalski', '皮戈特-林尼爾-科瓦斯基彗星'],
['227P/Catalina-LINEAR', '卡特林那-林尼爾彗星'],
['229P/Gibbs', '吉布斯10號彗星'],
['232P/Hill', '希爾10號彗星'],
#['233P/La Sagra', ''],
#['238P/Read', ''],
#['242P/Spahr', ''],
#['244P/Scotti', ''],
#['245P/WISE', ''],
['248P/Gibbs', '吉布斯11號彗星'],
#['250P/Larson', ''],
#['253P/PANSTARRS', ''],
['254P/McNaught', '麥克諾特19號彗星'],
['255P/Levy', '李維彗星'],
['257P/Catalina', '卡特林那4號彗星'],
#['258P/PANSTARRS', ''],
#['259P/Garradd', ''],
['260P/McNaught', '麥克諾特4號彗星'],
#['261P/Larson', ''],
['262P/McNaught-Russell', '麥克諾特-羅素彗星'],
['263P/Gibbs', '吉布斯3號彗星'],
#['264P/Larsen', ''],
['266P/Christensen', '克里斯坦森12號彗星'],
#['267P/LONEOS', ''],
#['268P/Bernardi', ''],
#['269P/Jedicke', ''],
['270P/Gehrels', '蓋勒爾斯4號彗星'],
['271P/van Houten-Lemmon', '萬豪敦-萊蒙彗星'],
#['273P/Pons-Gambart', ''],
#['274P/Tombaugh-Tenagra', ''],
#['275P/Hermann', ''],
#['276P/Vorobjov', ''],
['278P/McNaught', '麥克諾特9號彗星'],
#['279P/La Sagra', ''],
#['280P/Larsen', ''],
#['281P/MOSS', ''],
#['283P/Spacewatch', ''],
['284P/McNaught', '麥克諾特10號彗星'],
['286P/Christensen', '克里斯坦森3號彗星'],
['287P/Christensen', '克里斯坦森9號彗星'],
#['289P/Blanpain', ''],
['290P/Jäger', '耶格彗星'],
['292P/Li', '李彗星'],
#['293P/Spacewatch', ''],
#['296P/Garradd', ''],
#['297P/Beshore', ''],
['298P/Christensen', '克里斯坦森15號彗星'],
#['299P/Catalina-PANSTARRS', ''],
['300P/Catalina', '卡特林那3號彗星'],
#['302P/Lemmon-PANSTARRS', ''],
#['304P/Ory', ''],
['305P/Skiff', '斯基夫3號彗星'],
#['308P/Lagerkvist-Carsenty', ''],
['310P/Hill', '希爾2號彗星'],
#['311P/PANSTARRS', ''],
['313P/Gibbs', '吉布斯16號彗星'],
#['314P/Montani', ''],
for entry in lib:
string = re.sub(entry[0], entry[1], string)
return string
# Add diacritics, etc
def unicodify(name):
lib = [
['\'\'', '\''], # To prevent unexpected italic
['Vaisala', 'Väisälä'],
['Kresak', 'Kresák'],
['Pajdusakova', 'Pajdušáková'],
['duToit', 'du Toit'],
['Ciffreo', 'Ciffréo'],
['Vavrova', 'Vávrová'],
['Korlevic', 'Korlević'],
['Juric', 'Jurić'],
['Tichy', 'Tichý'],
['Jager', 'Jäger'],
for entry in lib:
name = name.replace(entry[0], entry[1])
return name
# Generates link for exoplanet, checking whether there's a space
def link(desig, name):
name = unicodify(name)
fullname = desig + '/' + name
if re.search(r'^[0-9]+[A-Z]-', desig) != None:
return fullname + ' || '
if name == '':
return '[[' + desig + ']] || '
new_name = translate(fullname)
if new_name == fullname:
return '[[' + fullname + ']] || '
return fullname + ' || ' + '[[' + new_name + ']]'
# Converts possibly empty strings to float
def tofloat(string):
if string == '':
return ''
return float(string)
# Round x to n significant figures
def sigfig(x, n):
if x == '':
return ''
elif x == 0:
return '0'
digits = int(floor(log10(abs(x))))
if digits >= 3:
num = int(round(x, n-1-digits))
num = round(x, n-1-digits)
return str(num)
def format_date(date):
if date == '':
return ''
year = date[0:4]
month = date[5:7]
day = date[8:10]
if month == '??':
return year + '年'
return year + '年' + str(int(month)) + '月' + str(int(month)) + '日'
site = pywikibot.Site('zh', 'wikipedia')
table = load_csv('results.csv')
outtext = wikify(table)
outfile = open('output.txt', 'w')
print('Data converted to Wikitable. Remember to add asteroid-comets, and wikify big numbers!')