Template:Infobox individual space vehicle
本模版是{{Infobox aircraft career}},以及{{Infobox spaceflight}}的分支
编辑{{{name}}} | |
{{{native_name}}} | |
是{{{mission}}}的一部分 | |
[[File:{{{image}}}|frameless|alt={{{image_alt}}}|upright={{{image_size}}}|{{{image_alt}}}]] {{{caption}}} | |
类型 | {{{type}}} |
等级 | {{{class}}} |
命名来源 | {{{eponym}}} |
其它名称 | {{{other_names}}} |
序列号 | {{{serial}}} |
SATCAT no. | {{{SATCAT}}} |
拥有者 | {{{owner}}} |
制造者 | {{{manufacturer}}} |
航天器属性 | |
尺寸 | {{{dimensions}}} |
净重 | {{{dry_mass}}} |
发射质量 | {{{launch_mass}}} |
功率 | {{{power}}} |
火箭 | {{{rocket}}} |
设备 | |
{{{instruments}}} | |
运行历史 | |
发射 |
部署 |
首次飞行 |
末次飞行 |
飞行次数 | {{{flights}}} |
运行时长 | {{{time}}} |
运行距离 | {{{traveled}}} |
轨道圈数 | {{{orbits}}} |
结局 | {{{fate}}} |
保存地点 | {{{location}}} |
{{{class}}} | |
{{Infobox individual space vehicle | name = <!-- name of the vehicle --> | native_name = <!-- name of the vehicle in its native language, if different from the English name --> | mission = <!-- name of the mission the vehicle was used in, if the vehicle is to only be used for one mission --> <!--image of the spacecraft--> | image = <!-- filename of the lead image you intend to use, omitting the "File:" prefix --> | image_size = <!-- size of the image as a value relative to a reader's thumbnail size preference, where "1" = default size; see MOS:IMGSIZE for more information --> | image_alt = <!-- alt description for the image, displayed when the image is unavailable to a reader --> | caption = <!-- caption for the image --> <!--basic information--> | type = <!-- short, consise description of the vehicle and its purpose --> | class = <!-- name of the class of spacecraft the vehicle is modelled after --> | eponym = <!-- name of the tangible object the vehicle was named after, if not an intangible concept --> | other_names = <!-- former names of the vehicle, qualified by th years it was known by that name --> | serial = <!-- the vehicle's serial number --> | COSPAR = <!-- the vehicle's COSPAR ID --> | SATCAT = <!-- the vehicle's SATCAT number --> | owner = <!-- name of the vehicle's owner --> | manufacturer = <!-- name of the vehicle's manufacturer --> <!--properties--> | dimensions = {{Convert|_|x|_|m|abbr=on}} <!-- the vehicle's physical dimensions --> | dry_mass = {{Convert|_|kg|abbr=off}} <!-- the vehicle's mass without fuel --> | launch_mass = {{Convert|_|kg|abbr=off}} <!-- the vehicle's mass with fuel --> | communication = <!-- name of the communication system the vehicle uses, and its transmission rate --> | power = <!-- name of the power system the vehicle uses, and its power outage --> | rocket = <!-- name of the rocket the vehicle uses to launch --> | instruments = {{Hlist|_}} <!-- names of the scientific instruments carried aboard the vehicle, if the vehicle is to only be used for one mission; use abbreviations when applicable --> <!--launch details--> | launched = {{Start-date|_}} <!-- date and time of the vehicle's launch, if it only ever launched once --> | launched_from = <!-- shorthand name of the launch site and pad the vehicle launched from, if it only ever launched once --> | deployed = {{Start-date|_}} <!-- date and time of the vehicle's deployment, if it only ever deployed once --> | deployed_from = <!-- shorthand name of the parent vehicle the spacecraft deployed from, if it only ever deployed once --> | location = <!-- name of the intended destination or current location of the vehicle --> | first_flight_date = <!-- date(s) of the vehicle's first mission --> | first_flight = <!-- name of the vehicle's first mission --> | last_flight_date = <!-- date(s) of the vehicle's latest or final mission --> | last_flight = <!-- name of the vehicle's latest or final mission --> | flights = <!-- number of missions the vehicle has flown --> | time = {{Time interval|_|show=d}} <!-- the amount of time the vehicle has spent in flight --> | traveled = <!-- the distance the vehicle has traveled, qualified by where the traveling took place, e.g. "on Mars" --> | travelled = <!-- American English alias of the above parameter --> | orbits = <!-- number of orbits the vehicle has completed, qualified by which body the vehicle orbited, e.g. "around Earth" --> | fate = <!-- short, concise description of how the vehicle was retired --> | programme = <!-- like "class", but used only for prev/next section, not displayed with basic information --> | previous = <!-- name of the previous vehicle in a spacecraft class or programme by order of operational debut, if the vehicle is part of one --> | next = <!-- name of the next vehicle in a spacecraft class or programme by order of operational debut, if the vehicle is part of one --> }}