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What is the translation of 县 in English? In German 县 is translated as Landkreis, but in de: Landkreis is linked to en:district -- Wing 15:45 2004年2月24日 (UTC)

Japanese 县 is translated as "prefectures", but I think "county" is a more usual translation used (since in many countries, a county refers to the political division just below the highest subnational level (in the case of China, this level is the provinces, while in US, this level is the states). --Lorenzarius 15:53 2004年2月24日 (UTC)
Well, as the article points out, in China above the 县 is in most cases the 地区. This is very similar as in Germany: About Stadt (市) or Gemeinde (such as 乡 in China) is Kreis (县), and there above is Bezirk (地区), and then Land (省), then Staat (国). Naturally, the government structure is quite different in the countries, sometimes also very confusing. I am just curious. -- Wing 16:12 2004年2月24日 (UTC)

英文的County可能當作「郡」解?像是加州Orange County台灣翻譯為「橘郡」,這與中國的省縣等級似乎有差異性。--月魂.蝶舞 19:10 2007年3月15日 (UTC)

