戈夫-格雷奇方程式 编辑
戈夫-格雷奇方程式(英語:Goff-Gratch equation)可以在给定温度的情况下用来确定水的饱和蒸汽压。另一个类似的方程是Arden Buck方程式。
编辑原始的戈夫-格雷奇方程式(1946) 如下:
编辑- Goff, J. A., and Gratch, S. (1946) Low-pressure properties of water from −160 to 212 °F, in Transactions of the American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers, pp 95–122, presented at the 52nd annual meeting of the American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers, New York, 1946.
- Goff, J. A. (1957) Saturation pressure of water on the new Kelvin temperature scale, Transactions of the American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers, pp 347–354, presented at the semi-annual meeting of the American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers, Murray Bay, Que. Canada.
- World Meteorological Organization (1988) General meteorological standards and recommended practices, Appendix A, WMO Technical Regulations, WMO-No. 49.
- World Meteorological Organization (2000) General meteorological standards and recommended practices, Appendix A, WMO Technical Regulations, WMO-No. 49, corrigendum.
- WMO Guide To Meteorological Instruments and Methods of Observation (the CIMO Guide). 2014 [2023-04-04]. WMO-No. 8. (原始内容存档于2021-04-27).
- Murphy, D.M.; Koop, T. Review of the vapour pressures of ice and supercooled water for atmospheric applications. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 2005, 131 (608): 1539–65 [2023-04-04]. Bibcode:2005QJRMS.131.1539M. doi:10.1256/qj.04.94. (原始内容存档于2020-08-18).