English: This map shows boundaries which are wrong or outdated. Consider using the following updated (as in 2009) map instead : File:Algeria_Wilayas-numbered.svg.
Français : Cette carte montre des frontières erronées ou qui ne sont plus à jour. Veuillez utiliser à la place la carte à jour (telle qu'en 2009) suivante : File:Algeria_Wilayas-numbered.svg.
描述Algeria wilayas.png
Algeria Wilayas (provinces) numbered with the official numbering scheme.
2006年12月14日 (原始上传日期)
本檔案是從en.wikipedia轉移到維基共享資源。 The template is wikipedia's, and it has been coloured etc for the arabic wikipedia (ar.wiki.x.io) under the same name. Original available at: Image:Algeria provinces blank.png, made by User:Golbez.
(Algeria Wilayas (provinces) numbered with the official numbering scheme. Source: the template is wikipedia's, and it has been coloured etc for the arabic wikipedia (ar.wiki.x.io) under the same name.