
2020年新斯科細亞槍擊案(英語:2020 Nova Scotia attacks)是2020年4月18日至4月19日發生於加拿大新斯科舍省無差別殺人事件。51歲的加布里埃爾·沃特曼在被警方追逐、擊斃前,殺害22人,傷害3人,並在至少五棟建築物縱火[3]。 在十三小時的瘋狂作案中,沃特曼駕駛一輛仿製警車並穿著警服假扮了一名警官。警方表示尚未掌握行凶動機[4][5]。 但是,這並不被視為恐怖主義行為,調查正在進行[6]。沃特曼沒有槍械許可證,並且尚未確定他如何獲得武器[7][8]

Enfield, Nova Scotia
Enfield, Nova Scotia
Shubenacadie, Nova Scotia
Shubenacadie, Nova Scotia
Debert, Nova Scotia
Debert, Nova Scotia
Wentworth, Nova Scotia
Wentworth, Nova Scotia
Portapique, Nova Scotia
Portapique, Nova Scotia
位置 加拿大新斯科舍省
日期2020年4月18日 (2020-04-18)–2020年4月19日 (2020-04-19)UTC−03:00
類型縱慾殺手縱火大規模謀殺英语mass murder[1]

警察因沒有利用國家公共警報系統英语Alert Ready來警告公眾殺戮事件而受到批評,對此決定的調查也已開始[9][10]


加拿大總理賈斯汀·杜魯多(Justin Trudeau)在回應該事件時向加拿大講話時,重申了他致力於加強加拿大槍支管制法律的承諾,以幫助防止將來發生此類事件[12]




晚上11時32分,警方發推文要求居民待在室內並把門上鎖,但沒有通過新斯科細亞省的紧急报警系统發布任何訊息。經過一夜到隔天早晨的調查後,警方宣布他們正在處理一個活躍槍手英语active shooter狀況[4][13][2][17]

4月19日上午8時54分,警方確定51歲的加布里埃爾·沃特曼(Gabriel Wortman)為該事件的槍手,並警告民眾槍手可能偽裝成警方英语police impersonation並駕駛跟警方巡邏車相似的車輛[13][18][19][20][21]。10時04分至11時04分,沃特曼被目擊出現在德伯特英语Debert布魯克菲爾德英语Brookfield, Nova Scotia米爾福德英语Milford (Halifax), Nova Scotia[15],居民被敦促避開該地區[22]。11時24分,沃特曼撞見皇家騎警,駁火中造成一名警官死亡[18],此後沃特曼改駕駛一輛雪佛蘭創酷英语Chevrolet Tracker (Americas)运动型多用途车逃亡[13][23]

上午11時40分,在警方首次收到槍案投訴後近十二小時,沃特曼在哈利法克斯以北40公里(25英里)恩菲爾德英语Enfield, Nova Scotia厄文英语Irving Oil加油站被警察擊斃[1][13][19]緊急事件應變小組英语Serious Incident Response Team宣布將展開調查警方在該事件的開槍經過[18]



51歲的加布里埃爾·沃特曼被警方確定為該事件的槍手,他在哈利法克斯擔任牙技師,其名下有兩間牙科診所[18][24]。他就讀新不倫瑞克省河景中學英语Riverview High School (New Brunswick),渴望成為一名警察[25]。熟人將他描述為一位關心家事(house-proud)且有禮貌的人,他還經常前往科貝基德灣英语Cobequid Bay附近的度假屋度假[26]


槍手的行凶動機尚未確定,當局不認為該事件屬於恐怖攻擊英语terrorism in Canada[4]。他的鄰居們表示,沃特曼有嗜酒方面的問題,而他的收入受到2019冠狀病毒病疫情影響,所有非必要牙醫服務必須停止[27][28]




根據警官布倫達·盧基英语Brenda Lucki表示,起初部分受害者與沃特曼有所交集,但是到後來沃特曼開始無差別殺人[4]。受害者當中,包括一名小學老師和一名護士死於槍擊[2][29]




加拿大總理賈斯汀·杜魯多同樣表示慰問[18]。在4月20日丽都小屋(Rideau Cottage)的早間講話中,他重申了加強槍枝管制的決心[12]。 他要求媒體避免在報導當中使用沃特曼的名字或影像:“不要讓這個兇手因他的犯行而廣為人知。” [32]






  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Collins, Sean. What we know about a mass shooting in Nova Scotia, Canada. Vox. 2020-04-19 [2020-04-19]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-20). 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Nova Scotia mass killings: What we know and what we don't know. CBC News. 2020-04-19 [2020-04-19]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-20). 
  3. ^ Teacher, family of 3 and RCMP officer among victims of N.S. shooting rampage. CBC News. 2020-04-19 [2020-04-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-20). 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Diaz, Johnny; Bilefsky, Dan. At Least 16 Killed in Nova Scotia Shooting, Police Say. 纽约时报. 2020-04-19 [2020-04-19]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-19). 
  5. ^ Blatchford, Andy. Gunman kills at least 16, including officer, in Nova Scotia. Politico. 2020-04-19 [2020-04-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-20). 
  6. ^ Blatchford, Andy. Gunman kills at least 16, including officer, in Nova Scotia. Politico. April 19, 2020 [April 20, 2020]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-20). 
  7. ^ Canadian Press. Police have 'good idea' guns used in Nova Scotia mass shooting were not licensed. KelownaNow. April 23, 2020 [April 23, 2020]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-17) (英语). 
  8. ^ Lamoureux, Mack. Nova Scotia Gunman Was Not a Legal Firearms Owner, RCMP Says. Vice. April 22, 2020 [April 22, 2020]. (原始内容存档于2020-09-29). 
  9. ^ Gorman, Michael. N.S. premier not ready to question if a public alert should have been issued about gunman. CBC News. April 20, 2020 [April 20, 2020]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-21). 
  10. ^ Tasker, John Paul. Questions emerge about RCMP's failure to send emergency alert on gunman's rampage. CBC News. April 21, 2020 [April 21, 2020]. (原始内容存档于2021-10-31). 
  11. ^ Gillies, Rob. 16 killed in shooting rampage, deadliest in Canadian history. Associated Press. 2020-04-19 [2020-04-19]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-19). 
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 Gilmore, Rachel. Trudeau reiterates gun control commitment in wake of mass shooting. CTV News. 2020-04-20 [2020-04-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-21). 
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 Timeline: How an active-shooter situation unfolded in Nova Scotia. CBC News. 2020-04-19 [2020-04-19]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-20). 
  14. ^ Madani, Doha; Stelloh, Tim. 16 dead, including officer, in shooting, Canadian authorities say. NBC News. 2020-04-19 [2020-04-19]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-20). 
  15. ^ 15.0 15.1 Tasker, John Paul. 'Those scars will never heal': piecing together a gunman's murderous rampage in Nova Scotia. CBC News. 2020-04-20 [2020-04-21]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-21). 
  16. ^ Deliso, Meredith. 16 dead, including police officer, in deadliest shooting in Canadian history. ABC News. 2020-04-19 [2020-04-19]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-20). 
  17. ^ Nova Scotia shooting: Gabriel Wortman kills 16 including police officer in Canada's deadliest shooting attack. MassLive. 2020-04-19 [2020-04-19]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-20). 
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 18.5 18.6 RCMP officer among the dead after Nova Scotia gunman's rampage. CBC News. 2020-04-19 [2020-04-19]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-19). 
  19. ^ 19.0 19.1 Jerrett, Andrea. At least 17 people killed in N.S. shooting; deadliest such attack in Canada: police. CTV News. 2020-04-19 [2020-04-19]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-20). 
  20. ^ Shah, Maryam. Timeline: What we know about the Nova Scotia shooting spree. Global News. 2020-04-19 [2020-04-19]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-20). 
  21. ^ Lopez-Martinez, Melissa. A timeline of the deadly shooting incident in Nova Scotia. CTV News. 2020-04-19 [2020-04-19]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-20) (英语). 
  22. ^ 22.0 22.1 Quon, Alexander; Stephenson, Mercedes. 17 dead, including one RCMP officer, after shooting spree in Portapique, N.S.. Global News. 2020-04-19 [2020-04-19]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-19). 
  23. ^ Canada shooting: Gunman kills at least 16 in rural Canada. BBC News. 2020-04-19 [2020-04-19]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-19). 
  24. ^ Cecco, Leyland. Nova Scotia shooting: shock and surprise at killings by denturist. The Guardian. 2020-04-19 [2020-04-19]. (原始内容存档于2020-05-03). 
  25. ^ 25.0 25.1 'Just unbelievable': Neighbours of Nova Scotia shooting suspect shocked by news. Atlantic. 2020-04-19 [2020-04-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-05-28) (英语). 
  26. ^ 26.0 26.1 Bogart, Nicole. What we know about the Nova Scotia rampage suspect. CTV News. 2020-04-20 [2020-04-20]. (原始内容存档于2022-03-28). 
  27. ^ 27.0 27.1 Woo, Andrew; Mercer, Greg. Nova Scotia mass shooter was a denturist with an obsession for policing. The Globe and Mail. 2020-04-19 [2020-04-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-20). 
  28. ^ Magra, Iliana. After Nova Scotia Shooting, Families Mourn as Police Seek a Motive. 2020-04-20 [2020-04-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-20) –通过NYTimes.com. 
  29. ^ Gunman kills at least 16 in rural Canada. BBC News. 2020-04-20 [2020-04-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-20). 
  30. ^ Cecco, Leyland. Nova Scotia shooting: friends and family pay tribute to 'beautiful souls' lost in rampage. The Guardian. 2020-04-20 [2020-04-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-20). 
  31. ^ 'We're going to get through this together': Trudeau calls for unity after mass killing. CBC News. 2020-04-20 [2020-04-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-21). 
  32. ^ Associated Press. Canada's worst mass shooting leaves at least 18 dead. kktv.com (KKTV). 2020-04-19 [2020-04-21]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-22). 
  33. ^ Jerrett, Andrea. Shooting 'one of the most senseless acts of violence' in Nova Scotia's history: premier. CTV News. 2020-04-19 [2020-04-19]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-20). 
  34. ^ Faulconbridge, Guy. Queen Elizabeth sends condolences to Canada after Nova Scotia shooting. Reuters. 2020-04-21 [2020-04-21]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-25).