托雷斯海峽條約 编辑
類型 | 邊界條約 |
簽署日 | 1978年12月18日 |
簽署地點 | 澳大利亞悉尼 |
生效日 | 1985年2月15日 |
簽署者 | |
語言 | 英语 |
编辑- 除毗鄰新幾內亞島的三個島嶼為巴國管轄外,其餘托雷斯海峽上島嶼繼續劃歸澳洲管治;
- 澳、巴兩國的海上邊界分為兩種,當中海床邊界按中線原則劃界,而漁業邊界則有一部分貼近巴國海岸;
- 海峽範圍劃為保護區,以保障當地原住民生活及維護生態;
- 海峽兩岸居民可於指定區域內自由進出,無須證照。
编辑- ^ 全稱:《澳洲和巴布亞新幾內亞獨立國關於確定兩國間托雷斯海峽主權及海上邊界的條約》 (英語:Treaty between Australia and the Independent State of Papua New Guinea concerning Sovereignty and Maritime Boundaries in the area between the two Countries, including the area known as Torres Strait, and Related Matters)
编辑- ^ John Burton. History of Torres Strait to 1879 – a regional view. Torres Strait Regional Authority. [2008-04-13]. (原始内容存档于2009-05-15).
- ^ Kenneth Roberts-Wray. Commonwealth and Colonial Law. F.A. Praeger. 1966: 132.
- ^ Papua New Guinea Independence Act 1975. www.legislation.gov.au. [2021-02-21]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-27).
- ^ The Border Problem. National Film and Sound Archive. [2016-06-12]. (原始内容存档于2016-09-20).
- ^ Matt Wordsworth. Patrolling the short hop from PNG to Australia. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. 2013-08-14 [2016-06-12]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-17).
- ^ 跳转到: 6.0 6.1 for a detailed map see Australia's Maritime Zones in the Torres Strait (PDF). Australian Government – Geoscience Australia. [2008-04-13]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于22 October 2014).,
for the agreement see Treaty between Australia and the Independent State of Papua New Guinea concerning sovereignty and maritime boundaries in the area between the two countries, including the area known as Torres Strait, and related matters, 18 December 1978 (PDF). 聯合國. [2008-04-13]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2022-07-10). - ^ 跳转到: 7.0 7.1 The Torres Strait Treaty. 澳洲外交及貿易部. [2021-03-24]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-28).